Saturday, October 31, 2015

Grandparent/Koroua/Kuia Reading Week and Taste of Hangi

Kia ora ki nga koroua me nga kuia

Thank you to Marlene Greaves, Alma Bainbridge, Bonnie Amner, Tom and Doreen Condon, Karen Spargo, Les Byford, Russell Kupa and Linda Maggin our Room 11 grandfathers and grandmothers who came in to read to their grandchildren and experience eating a hangi with us all. It was a huge success. Sorry we weren't able to take photos of you all with your grandchildren to post to the blog.
In partnership with the Whanau Roopu, our  vision is:
 “Kia tuhono, kia mahitahi ki te whanau, kia whanake i a tātau tamariki”
“Connecting and working with whanau to grow our children"

Tiaana and her Nanny Bonnie

Michael and his nana Alma
Ngahere and his Nana Marlene

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Growth Mindset versus a Fixed Mindset

Kia ora koutou

 I found this description of a Growth Mindset versus a Fixed Mindset. In Kauri we are developing a Growth Mindset, the ability and capacity to be lifelong learners always growing and developing as people.

Growth Mindset
When I fall, I learn.
If you succeed, I'm inspired.
I can learn anything I want to.
When I am frustrated, I persevere
Tell me I try hard.


                             Fixed Mindset
I'm either good at it or I'm not
When I am frustrated, I give up
I don't always give things a go
Tell me I'm smart.

Thursday, October 08, 2015

Kauri Does the Arts

Term 3 was an amazing learning experience exploring, appreciating  and creating through the Arts. We appreciated the Art around our own school before going out into our town to see, some of us for the first time, the wonderful pieces of art created by our own resident artists in Hawkes Bay.

 Each class studied an artist, the techniques of that artist and then created pieces of art that communicated a message. Here is our amazing art.
In amongst all that we split into dance, drama, and music groups, choosing which discipline
we would like to learn. Here is some of our work.

Kauri Dance Crew from Room13 on Vimeo.